QRepublik 是一个设计精美的医疗 ID 平台,专为人们打造。 全面的医疗 ID 解决方案,可轻松访问、存储和管理您的健康信息。 您可以通过 QRepublik 医疗 ID 产品(例如手镯、贴纸套件和智能手表套)随时随地访问您的医疗档案。
Real stories
John Stevenson
Tifton, GA

You guys are awesome! My QRepublik Medical ID has come in handy a couple of times over the last few years. A while back I had a heart attack which almost caused me to have a stroke. My QRepublikID gave the EMTs all of my vital information without me having to try and remember it. And more recently, I found myself in a hospital emergency room gasping for air. I was allergic to the sulfa drugs prescribed to my for a routine condition. I never doubted it's value as a lifeline. “For the minuscule amount of money it costs, I thank QRepublik every day. It's worth it.” Thank you for speaking for me when I was unable to!
Cory James
Toronto, ON

I am diabetic on insulin. I had been wearing an engraved band with information and appreciate having one where I can adjust my medication to be accurate. When I originally received the band, I was unable to figure out how to adjust size. I contacted the company and they not only sent images, but also created a rather cute video showing the instructions. So they were very responsive to my questions. The free profile has everything I want and need. Rather than listing contact information, it allows you to touch a notify contacts when you scan. I have added my daughter’s phone number and doctor’s name and phone number under contacts. I did feel some concern about uploading info, and chose to include only info that I was comfortable sharing. I did not see a purpose for home address, and chose not to post it. I do have information on allergies and medications that it is important to know that I am taking.
JDana Beliakin
San Diego, CA

Thank you for creating QRepublik ID! I have purchased multiple IDs for myself and family. My husband and I purchased an QRepublik medical ID bracelet for his father who is a Type 2 Diabetic and has a very extensive medical history that is difficult to keep straight. I was at home with my father-in-law yesterday when he went into diabetic shock. EMTs arrived and began questioning me about his medical history, and I began to panic. Thankfully, my eyes caught a glimpse of his bright blue QRepublik med ID, and I told the EMTs to simply scan QR code engraved on the ID plate. All necessary data, important medical information contained in his emergency response profile was provided in 2-3 sec. Thank you again for a great product
如何 运作
登入 如果您已经有 QRepublik 个人资料或 创建 一个新帐户。 你可以用你的
二维码 免费链接产品
链接手镯,医疗证袖子到配置文件,数量不限。 这很酷!
管理您个人帐户中的数据。 随时添加、更改或删除数据。 扫描二维码时会显示保存的信息
为什么 QRepublik
ID扫描时显示的数据是通过您在 QRepublik 个人资料上的个人帐户输入的
创新技术 QRepublik Key 和 QRepublik AI
具有特定医疗状况的人 ID 佩戴医疗 ID 以在紧急情况下提醒紧急医疗专业人员
关于 我们
QRepublik Medical ID是一个精美设计的医疗ID平台,专门为人们建造。我们使医疗IDS很容易到世界上数百万人。在需要的紧急情况或需要时,我们向第一个受访者提供会员的关键健康和识别信息。此信息交流使授权首先响应者迅速行动以保护和挽救生命。
自 2018 年以来每年在美国和英国排名前 10 位的最佳 MEDICAL ID
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