QRepublik ID
A smart non-electronic emergency ID that tells about a person in situations where help is needed
Wearable non-electronic device with a QR code associated with a personal account
Tells critical information about a person in an emergency from a personal profile by scanning a QR code
Manage your data
One account - multiple profiles
QRepublik stores several bricks of information that do not merge into anything personal - only unrelated pieces of data without personalization
Built-in functions
Use built-in services
The QMS depersonalized system selects for you the relevant functions and services available in your Personal Account
For whom
This is for everyone
Emergency ID technology is relevant for everyone who may be in trouble without the ability to tell about themselves in detail: elderly people, people with disabilities, outdoor enthusiasts and tourists who often face a language barrier, and QRepublik ID translates information into 24 languages